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Recent Events

chair yoga.jpg

Sunday, March 16th, at 2:00 PM
Sisterhood invites you to:
Chair Yoga 
RSVP by March 13th

Sisterhood will be holding a chair yoga exercise class in the Temple social hall.
The class will be taught by Jill Lukach who teaches Pilates and “silver sneakers” classes at the JCC. This 30-minute fun inspired workout will introduce you to this modified form of yoga with easy-to-follow moves.

To sign up for the class please RSVP by Thursday March 13th. Email Deb Daniels or call the Temple Office.

Celebrate Purim with us! 

Thursday, March 13th
Purim Spiel at 6:00
Catered Dinner at 7:00 PM

Dinner RSVP by March 6th

"Haman's a Heel" plus a meal
The Purim Players strike once more --
By now you know just what's in store:
A silly play that still rings true.
We promise you will laugh beaucoup!
After that, it can't be beat
A veggie meal -- a tasty treat!

Wear costumes, listen to the Megillah, and enjoy a dairy Greek-inspired vegetarian meal catered by The Greek House. 

Reservations for the dinner due by March 6, $20 payable in advance or at the door. 
Purim Shpiel Cast 2014.JPG

Wednesday, February 12th at 6:00 PM
Tu BiShvat Seder

Celebrate Tu BiShvat - The New Year of the Trees

Join your friends at Temple Concord for a Tu Bishvat seder on Wednesday night, February 12th at 6pm. Enjoy a selection of different fruits and nuts as we celebrate our connection to the earth and rededicate ourselves to the sacred obligation of protecting the natural world. All ages welcome.

RSVP to the temple office by Friday, February 7th to help us know how much food to order, and please mention if you have any food allergies.

Sunday, January 28 at 11:00 AM

Don't miss Sisterhood's Annual Book Talk in the Kilmer Mansion!


Rabbi Rachel Esserman will be reviewing and discussing:
    "Künstlers in Paradise" by Cathleen Schine
    "Abomination" by Ashley Goldberg
    "Loving our Bones: Disability Wisdom and the Spiritual Subversiveness of Knowing Ourselves Whole" by Julia Watts Belser

This program is free and open to all Sisterhood members; there is a $5 charge for non-members.  We hope to see you there!

Apple and Honey

Pictures from Shemini-Atzeret/Simchat Torah

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the holidays this year.

Mitzvah g’dolah lihyot b’simcha tamid. — “It is a great mitzvah to be joyful at all times.” (Rabbi Nachman of Breslav)

A big shout out to everybody who showed up a few weeks ago to help celebrate Simchat Torah here at Temple Concord! We had a great time dancing with the Torah in the social hall, and it meant a lot that enough people turned out for us to unroll the scroll all the way for a rare chance to see the Torah all at once. Looking forward to next year, and hopefully to many more opportunities for joy between now and then.

Food Preparation
Fresh Salad with Lemon Wedges

Shabbat Pot Luck Dinner
June 28th at 6:00 PM


Enjoy a warm, communal Shabbat dinner. The Ritual Committee is organizing monthly vegetarian/dairy potluck dinners this winter, spring and early summer.


They have been very successful. It's a great opportunity to get to know your fellow congregants and eat some great food! Bring a vegetable, fish, dairy dish or a dessert. We gather at 6:00 pm in the Social Hall.  

We'll start with a candle lighting for Shabbat and blessings over the wine and the meal. Dinner will follow, and we will have a time for the healing prayer and Kaddish as well. The potluck dinners will be in-person programs with limited services, and not available on Zoom.

Don't feel that you have to cook, you can pick up something on the way! But join us.  

Matza and Dill

Passover 2024

April 22nd at Sunset

Sisterhood’s Women's Seder in the Kilmer Mansion
Sunday, April 7 at 2:00 pm 

Please reserve your place by Tuesday, March 26th!

Join Temple Concord Sisterhood for a Women’s Seder at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 7, in the Kilmer Mansion. This year we'll be using a packet adapted from "The Dancing with Miriam Haggadah," and copies will be provided to participants. Catered by Phantom Chef (owned by Temple Concord member Michelle McIlroy), the seder will feature a vegetarian menu of Middle Eastern couscous salad, salade niçoise, a caprese salad, fresh fruit and chocolate mousse. Rachel Coker is organizing the program with assistance from Rabbi Rachel Esserman. The cost is $36 per person.

Please RSVP by March 26th with your payment (please specify Temple Concord Sisterhood) to the office at or (607) 723-7355. 

Sunday, January 21st 10:00 AM at Temple Concord

TC/TI Joint Education Committee presentation on Jewish Solidarity

Rabbi Talia Laster looks at “Areyvut: What Responsibility Do Jews Have to One Another?” The Talmud in Tractate Shevuot teaches that "all Jews are guarantors for one another." Rabbi Laster will explore applications of this principle and the underlying question - are all Jews really in the same boat?

Light refreshments will be served at 10 AM at Temple Concord, Rav. Laster's presentation will be available in person or an Zoom at 10:30.

Rabbi Talia Laster serves as the Campus Rabbi at Cornell Hillel. Rav Talia received rabbinic ordination in 2022 from the faculty of the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College, in Newton, MA. At Hebrew College, she pursued her passions for spirited and playful tefillah (prayer), empowering Talmud study, and the unfolding of halakha (Jewish law). Rav Talia is a life-long member of the National Havurah community and is passionately committed to its values of empowered lay-leadership, joyous ritual, and deep Torah learning. [Before going to rabbinical school, she spent time farming in Italy, studying at UMass Amherst, working as a community organizer in the Boston area, and learning Torah as a Fellow at the Pardes Institute in Jerusalem and the Hadar Institute in NYC.] When not in Ithaca, Rav Talia lives in Vestal, NY with her partner, Rabbi Micah Friedman.

Your RSVP to theTemple Concord Wednesday, January 17th  will help us plan; also use this button to obtain the Zoom link or more information.


Rabbi Talia Laster

Tuesday Morning Book Club

 January 2 at 10:00 AM - Zoom ONLY - -note the earlier start time--


"One Hundred Saturdays: Stella Levi and the Search for a Lost World" by Michael Frank.
Tony Preus will speak about the history of the Jews of Rhodes. 

. The link for the January meeting only is different from the Temple Concord Zoom link. 

Hanukkah 2023 at Temple Concord!
December 7th-15th, 2023

Come celebrate with us!

And don't forget to visit our Judaica shop

Blurry Blue

Hanukkah Celebrations

Friday, December 8:   6:00 pm Hanukkah Potluck Dinner 
There will be a vegetarian/dairy potluck dinner including candle lighting for both Hanukkah and Shabbat, wine blessing, and Kaddish in the Social Hall.  Please bring your Hanukkiot (menorahs), 3 candles, and a vegetarian/dairy dish to share. We'll be making latkes for all.  We'll have a chance to sing Hanukkah songs, share the blessings of the holiday, and say Kaddish for those in attendance who need to say it.  


Please join us for our potluck dinner!  This will be in-person only, and will not be available on Zoom.

Saturday, December 9:  Hanukkah Celebration for Parents and Students 
9:15-10:15 am Shabbat morning service followed by class presentations
10:15-11:15 am Schmooze, and enjoy arts and crafts, games, dreidels, stories, snack, latkes and Sufganiyot

Tuesday, December 12 & Thursday, December 14
We will light the Chanukiah in the school in class during Hanukkah on these nights.

The holiday season is upon us! 
Here is a chance to find that special gift and support Temple Sisterhood.

Meditative Music program rescheduled: Friday,  November 10th at 8:30 PM  

Temple Concord has rescheduled the Meditative Music program originally to have taken place on Yom Kippur. It will now be held on Friday, November 10 at 8:30 pm in the Kilmer Mansion following the 7:30 Shabbat services and oneg. The concert will be in honor of Veterans Day. It is open to the entire community.

Whale of a Sale


Eat, study, schmooze!
November 5th

Rabbi Mica Friedman of Temple Israel and Rabbi Zev Silber of Beth David will facilitate a deep dive into Jewish texts that speak to "The Values We Hold Dear."

The entire group will ponder the question of "Why we gather? And then there will be a choice of break out into groups to explore either “The Jewish Approach To Giving”, or texts reflecting “Acting on Climate”.

A light brunch will be served. A donation of $5-$20 is requested to cover the cost of the meal.

The event is co-sponsored by Beth David Synagogue, the Jewish Community Center, the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton, Temple Concord and Temple Israel.

Please RSVP by November 1st via  

If you are unable to attend in person, you still can participate in this world-wide event. See for more information.

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