Our History

Our first full time rabbi was Elihu Schagrin, who served from 1954 through his retirement in 1985. Our next rabbi was Arnold Fertig, who served from 1985 to 1990. During Rabbi Fertig’s time, Temple Concord supported the cause of Soviet Jewry. Our Torah study group was created during his tenure.
Lance Sussman was our rabbi from 1990 to 2001. During Rabbi Sussman’s tenure, we had a group tour of Israel in 1992; Hanukkah House museum and Keshet Press were started.
From 2001 to 2005, our rabbi was Michelle Medwin. During her tenure, we developed a strong Jewish music appreciation program, which included the publication of our first Temple Concord Jewish music CD. Rabbi David Katz served from 2005 to 2008. During his tenure, the Meah program (formal study of Jewish history for 100 hours) was implemented.
Rabbi Barbara Goldman-Wartell became our Rabbi in 2008. She has been very active in the local community. Rabbi Barbara has strongly supported our efforts at Outreach and support of the LGBT community.